
Reach your ideal customers on the world’s largest professional network

As of 2023, with a user base exceeding 922 million, LinkedIn is considered the premier global business-to-business (B2B) social networking platform for professionals. Essentially, it's a modern, digital version of a classic networking event. A space to encounter new individuals and disseminate details about you and your enterprise.

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How do we create LinkedIn advertising campaigns?

At WebBting, we’ll help you reach your audience effectively through LinkedIn advertising. LinkedIn users share extensive profile information, allowing precise audience segmentation.

We can target your ads based on demographics, company info, job specifics, and matched audiences, which are curated from LinkedIn’s data and your first-party data like web traffic or email lists.

LinkedIn provides three primary ad formats: Sponsored Content, Text Ads, and Sponsored InMail.

Sponsored Content

At WebBting, our team of copywriters and designers work together to create high-quality Sponsored Content that seamlessly integrates with the user’s feed. We understand the importance of creating ads that provide real value, so we focus on crafting informative, engaging content that drives user interactions, be it website visits, form completions, or video views. Our team also conducts A/B testing to determine the best-performing content and refine the campaign strategy accordingly.

Text Ads

WebBting utilises Text Ads to increase your brand’s visibility on LinkedIn. Despite their small size, we make sure these ads pack a punch with compelling headlines, concise descriptions, and strong CTAs. By positioning these ads strategically on the user’s feed, we drive increased traffic to your website or landing pages. We continuously monitor the performance of these ads, making necessary adjustments to maximise their effectiveness.

Sponsored InMail

WebBting leverages the personal touch of Sponsored InMail to create meaningful connections with your audience. Our team crafts personalized messages that resonate with your prospects, ensuring your content lands directly in their inbox, avoiding the noise of their feed. We carefully consider the timing of these messages to enhance open rates and responses.

With WebBting, you’ll effectively reach and resonate with your specific audiences on LinkedIn.

Partner with WebBting for B2B Lead Generation on LinkedIn

At WebBting, we specialise in B2B lead generation through effective LinkedIn marketing strategies. With our expertise, tailored content, precise targeting, and data-driven approach, we’ll help you unlock the full potential of LinkedIn to generate high-quality B2B leads and accelerate your business growth.

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WebBting's Success

Transforming Brand Visibility and Lead Generation

We partnered with a budding SaaS start-up that aimed to enhance its brand recognition and generate high-quality leads in a niche market segment. Their major challenge was carving a niche for their brand in a saturated market and reaching specific professionals who would find their product useful.

At WebBting, we designed a bespoke LinkedIn advertising campaign for them. Our approach involved a precise identification of the target audience based on their industry, job roles, and the size of their companies. We utilised LinkedIn’s Sponsored Content and InMail ad formats to curate personalized messages and compelling content that highlighted the unique selling propositions of our client’s product.

Within just six months, we achieved significant growth in their brand visibility and lead generation. Specifically, there was a 55% increase in brand recognition, demonstrated by an upsurge in mentions, shares, and likes on LinkedIn. In terms of lead generation, the campaign spurred a 30% rise in high-quality leads with a higher propensity for conversion. Additionally, website traffic originating from LinkedIn ads jumped by 40%, and we noticed a substantial increase in the engagement rate for both Sponsored Content and InMail, which rose by 45%.

Should I use a LinkedIn advertising agency?​

Partnering with a LinkedIn advertising agency can offer several advantages and maximise the effectiveness of your LinkedIn advertising campaigns. Here are some reasons why you should consider using a LinkedIn advertising agency:

Expertise and Experience

LinkedIn advertising agencies specialise in leveraging the platform's features and best practices to managing successful campaigns, optimising targeting options, and maximising ROI.

Strategic Approach

LinkedIn advertising agencies can develop a comprehensive advertising strategy tailored to your business objectives.

Creative Content and Ad Design

LinkedIn advertising agencies have creative teams that can develop compelling ad content and designs tailored for the platform.

Tracking and Reporting

LinkedIn advertising agencies provide detailed tracking and reporting on your campaign performance. They analyse key metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost per lead, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of your ads.

WebBting, a trusted LinkedIn advertising agency, can be your strategic partner in achieving advertising success on the platform. Our team of experts specialises in leveraging the full potential of LinkedIn to generate high-quality leads and drive business growth. With our customised strategies, data-driven insights, and expert campaign management, we can help you achieve optimal results from your LinkedIn advertising efforts.

Start Generating Quality Leads on LinkedIn Today!

LinkedIn Advertising Success

Frequently Asked Questions

LinkedIn advertising offers various options to businesses, including sponsored content, sponsored InMail, text ads, and dynamic ads. These advertising formats allow businesses to promote their products, services, or content to a targeted audience based on demographics, job titles, industries, and more, increasing visibility and generating leads.

WebBting specialises in managing LinkedIn marketing campaigns to help businesses effectively reach their target audience, build brand awareness, and generate leads. We offer comprehensive LinkedIn marketing strategies tailored to your specific business goals.

WebBting provides a range of services for LinkedIn marketing, including profile optimisation, content creation and curation, audience targeting, ad campaign management, lead generation, analytics and reporting, and ongoing campaign optimisation.

WebBting optimises LinkedIn profiles by crafting compelling and keyword-rich headlines, writing engaging and professional summaries, optimising experience and education sections, and leveraging relevant keywords throughout the profile. We ensure your profile stands out and attracts the right audience.

Yes, WebBting offers content creation services for LinkedIn. We develop engaging and relevant content, including articles, posts, and visual assets, that resonate with your target audience and align with your brand messaging. Our goal is to establish your thought leadership and drive engagement.

Some best practices for LinkedIn marketing include maintaining a professional tone and image, personalizing your outreach and communication, staying active and consistent with content sharing, engaging with your network and industry groups, monitoring and responding to comments and messages promptly, and leveraging LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities effectively.

Ready to unlock LinkedIn's lead generation potential?​

Contact us now and start generating quality leads on the world's largest professional networking platform!​

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